Past events Final Event: Impact through Research, Innovation and Standards

Save the date: DATAMITE Meet Up event
The DATAMITE project is thrilled to invite you to the DATAMITE Meetup event – a unique networking opportunity bringing together researchers and industry professionals involved in EU-funded projects.

MobiSpaces Manifesto to be Presented at eSAAM 2024 Conference in Mainz, Germany
We are thrilled to announce that Ioannis Chrysakis will present the MobiSpaces Manifesto on Mobility Data Spaces at the upcoming 4th Eclipse Security, AI, Architecture, and Modelling Conference on Data Spaces (eSAAM 2024). This prestigious event will take place on October 22, 2024, in Mainz, Germany.

EBDVF24 - Data Spaces across industries: sustainable and secure data management, use and re-use of data
This session aims to bring together 5 Horizon Europe projects (Glaciation, MobiSpaces, Tango, Teadal and Trustee) working on “Technologies and solutions for compliance, privacy preservation, green and responsible data operations” (

Cloud-Edge-IoT innovations in Transportation: Market Insights and Use Cases

AI Standardisation: Challenges & Opportunities Advancing Equity & Ethics in AI

AI Standardisation: Challenges & Opportunities on AI Use Cases in Key Sectors

MobiSpaces End User Workshop - Real Life Scenarios and Demonstrations of Impactful Outcomes
In the context of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management MobiSpaces will organise a dedicated workshop. The goal of this workshop is to showcase the achievements in implementing real life scenarios of mobility data management via exploiting the outcomes of the MobiSpaces project. The workshop comprises a sequence of demonstrations showcasing the theoretical and technical underpinnings that illustrate innovative instances of translating theory into impactful solutions within the mobility domain.

MobiSpaces has been accepted as Exhibitor at European Maritime Day 2024 (EMD24)
MobiSpaces is delighted to announce its acceptance as an Exhibitor at the European Maritime Day 2024 (EMD24) event. The event is organised by the European Commission, the Municipality of Svendborg and the Danish Maritime Authority.
EMD24 serves as the main annual gathering for the European maritime community, providing a platform for stakeholders to convene, exchange ideas, and collaboratively devise strategies to enhance the sustainability of the blue economy.