The iRoute use case will exploit the e mobility-aware data governance framework using the mobility analytics to drive strategic decisions.
Technologies used
MobiSpaces delivers an end-to-end mobility-aware and mobility optimised Data Governance Platform. It is surrounded by a Green & Environmental Dimensioning Workbench for the monitoring and advising of the processing behaviour, making suren guidelines and legislations are complied with towards minimising the environmental footprint. MobiSpaces envisions a set of toolboxes, suites, and tools that implement the MobiSpaces concept in its use case, see them showcased below.

Declarative Querying

Decentralized Data Management

Online Data Aggregator

XAI Prediction Modelling

Edge-driven Federated Learning

Visual Analytics
What will MobiSpaces improve?
Performance in re-scheduling the service to peak period will be improved in the following Key Performance Indicators:
75 %
journey time and traffic time
90 %
reduction of bus waiting for end-users/Bus punctuality
95 %
accessibility of real-time information for passengers to improve connection with intermodality/other services provided
85 %
optimization of maintenance/repairing services
70 %
economic efficiency of all routes