The rapidly evolving field of mobility data spaces, integral to the contemporary technological landscape, creates unique challenges and opportunities in the context of legal compliance. This article argues that the EU Horizon MobiSpaces project can serve as an instructive example of how these challenges might be successfully navigated within a current operational and research environment. The article aims to explore the nuanced legal frameworks that govern mobility data space projects, focusing mainly on data protection, data security, and the implications of artificial intelligence. The primary objective of this article is to describe a practical example of data protection and security by design built on a technologically robust architecture. By doing so, it endeavors to ensure that these tools are not only technologically advanced but also aligned with ongoing legal principles across multiple fields of technology law. This alignment is critical for fostering innovation that is responsible, compliant, and better aligned to societal values and legal norms. Through an in-depth analysis of MobiSpaces, the article aims to offer valuable insights that could be instrumental for similar technology-driven projects related to data mobility in related settings.
Keywords: AI Act; cybersecurity; data spaces; data protection; GDPR; mobility data; NIS2 Directive

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