In the domain of Mobility Data Science, the intricate task of interpreting models trained on trajectory data, and elucidating the spatio-temporal movement of entities, has persistently posed significant challenges. Conventional XAI techniques, although brimming with potential, frequently overlook the distinct structure and nuances inherent within trajectory data. Observing this deficiency, we introduced a comprehensive framework that harmonizes pivotal XAI techniques: LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations), SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations), Saliency maps, attention mechanisms, direct trajectory visualization, and Permutation Feature Importance (PFI). Unlike conventional strategies that deploy these methods singularly, our unified approach capitalizes on the collective efficacy of these techniques, yielding deeper and more granular insights for models reliant on trajectory data. In crafting this synthesis, we effectively address the multifaceted essence of trajectories, achieving not only amplified interpretability but also a nuanced, contextually rich comprehension of model decisions. To validate and enhance our framework, we undertook a survey to gauge preferences and reception among various user demographics. Our findings underscored a dichotomy: professionals with academic orientations, particularly those in roles like Data Scientist, IT Expert, and ML Engineer, showcased a profound, technical understanding and often exhibited a predilection for amalgamated methods for interpretability. Conversely, end-users or individuals less acquainted with AI and Data Science showcased simpler inclinations, such as bar plots indicating timestep significance or visual depictions pinpointing pivotal segments of a vessel’s trajectory. Notably, the survey highlighted a unanimous appreciation for juxtaposing predicted versus actual trajectories as a direct benchmark of model performance. Furthermore, visualizations emphasizing critical past vessel positions were hailed, with technical roles finding them especially enlightening and end-users perceiving them as intuitive and enlightening. Our tabled results provide a more detailed breakdown of XAI usability preferences in Vessel Route Forecasting (VRF), further enriching our contributions to the field.

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